For Virginia Nguiraze, keeping her family healthy was difficult. Her son worked away, sending money home and returning only once a year, so it fell to Virginia to look after the household.
We used to collect water from the dirty river, it was all we had so we drank it. I was very scared of being attacked by a crocodile. The walk was too far for me so my grandchildren used to collect water.

The Pump Primers are a dedicated group of people who have made an ongoing commitment to help people like Virginia, her children and grandchildren.
Some give a little, some give a lot. Every one of them helps us to continue our life changing work.
A monthly gift helps us and our local partners in Africa plan effectively, for now and the future so more people can benefit from life changing safe water and sanitation. For Virginia, access to safe water at home means her life has changed for good and her grandchildren don’t have to put themselves in danger just for a drink of water. “ Now I can get water from the pump myself, and wash our clothes!”
Stories worth sharing
Learning about hygiene has helped our family so much. We are not suffering from diseases like before. My children don’t miss class because we live a healthy life
Astridah Neyutu
Being a Pump Primer means seeing where your money goes We’ll send you an impact update every 3 months showing you what your contribution is helping us achieve.

Over a year you’ll see the huge transformative powers safe water and sanitation has in one community and follow their story, in their own words.
So far this year, the Pump Primers have helped reach hundreds of people children in Chianga School.
Life without safe water and sanitation means preventable disease like diarrhoea can kill. That girls and women walk for miles every day to collect water. It means many families can’t afford to send their children to school or buy medicine as they have no time to work.
There’s no overnight solution, there are only regular people like you, like us. But together, we can make a difference.
Join the Pump Primer community today and work with us to reach more people with safe water, sanitation and the opportunity to change their lives.
Join a community that keeps water flowing

I give because water should be a fundamental right for all humanity and Village Water is a small and well run charity I can trust.”
Prue Chiles, Pump Primer since 2012
We take clean water and sanitation for granted. Donating to Village Water ensures that people in Zambia and Mozambique are also afforded this basic provision. Their invaluable work changes lives. A very worthwhile cause championed by a small but dedicated team.
Sue Crookes, Pump Primer since 2014