The Kafue Kids collection is a Limited Edition set of dolls created by Little Ndaba, a small group of women based in Chingola, Zambia. A group of mothers, daughters and sisters, who haven’t had the privilege of a formal education but are proud, skilled and have passed their crochet skills down for generations.
3/4 of the money from every doll reimburses the women, allowing them to buy more material, and 1/4 supports our projects. Selling the crocheted dolls makes a significant contribution to the women’s income and also enables them to pay for schooling for their children and cover any medical bills.

Little Ndaba
The gorgeous – and rather cheeky – Kafue Kids have had a long trip to get to the UK, and they are still horrified by our weather! Read about Martha’s experience first hand here.
These unique, handmade dolls are made in celebration of Row Zambezi, a rowing expedition made up of a star-spangled team including Olympic medalists from South Africa and the UK. The group of international rowers will be exploring 900km of the Kafue river, raising money for Village Water and raising awareness about the threats the river currently faces.
The river supplies 40% of Zambia’s drinking water, and is an important source for Little Ndaba women living in Chingola, Zambia. Climate change, industrial pollution, over fishing and excessive water extraction are having devastating effects on the river and the people who use it.
Read more about the incredible journey here – why not show your support and sponsor a KM!
The Kafue Kids may be small, but they sure are doing their bit…
Please get in touch if you’d like to buy one.
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Safe water and sanitation are the building blocks towards a healthier, independent life. Right now 1 in 9 people in the world live without safe water. 9 in 10 people CAN change this. Be part of the change