We’ve reached more people in one year than ever before. Over 1000 village communities can now collect water at home and over 9000 children can get a drink at school or go to the toilet safely, with privacy. Below is Hetler. His story has changed for good, you can read it here.
We completed our 11th Big Give Christmas Challenge and raised 92% of our total in the first two days! With your doubled donations we have another £40,000 dedicated to help families access safe water and sanitation.
(And it was a wonderful boost for our team at the end of a tough year. We really appreciate your support to this campaign year after year!)
2020 is the year we of reaching half a million people!
And as you well know, because of our robust monitoring and data collection we were able to pinpoint exactly who that person was. Above is Angelina and you can read her story here.
We’ve helped train 4 teams of manual drillers this year who will help communities access safe water, and the first women led team. Ensuring women have the same accessibility to the training as men will remain a high priority.
The new teams employ and train more local people and earn their own income. They reported a 229% increase in their earnings. One trainee told us,
It’s really opened my eyes, I have learnt lots of things. I want to be a very big manual driller in my district and be an agent of change in my country
We’re aiming to reach another 500,000 over next 3 years (2021-2023). And we’re going to begin developing district plans, a really important step towards long-term water access and ensuring no-one gets left behind.
Thank you for sticking with us. We truly are making a difference, together. We are one step, and one bad year closer, to ensuring we all have access to the same basic rights.