Tag Archives: sanitation

Promoting hygiene in rural communities

Whenever we support a community with fixing or installing a water point, our local partners always run hygiene promotion sessions and make sure that community members understand the importance of washing hands to prevent disease.

Whenever we support a community with fixing or installing a water point, our local partners always run hygiene promotion sessions and make sure that community members understand the importance of washing hands to prevent disease.

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A woman’s work is never done, in Rabeca’s opinion

Life for a woman or girl is still disproportionately harder than a man or boy in many countries. To achieve safe water and sanitation for all we have to include women at the table.

Life for a woman or girl is still disproportionately harder than a man or boy in many countries. To achieve safe water and sanitation for all we have to include women at the table.

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For Chianga School, change starts now – part 2

As well as providing safe water, sanitation and hygiene education for Chianga School and three neighbouring villages in Chimoio district, rural Mozambique, your support is also helping improve farming methods, crop production and accessibility of food for pupils and their families.

As well as providing safe water, sanitation and hygiene education for Chianga School and three neighbouring villages in Chimoio district, rural Mozambique, your support is also helping improve farming methods, crop production and accessibility of food for pupils and their families.

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For Chianga School, change starts now – part 1

Over the next year, we will be following the progress of Chianga School, a community supported by your donations. The teachers, pupils and neighbouring villagers will tell us in their own words, the impact safe water and sanitation has on their lives.

Over the next year, we will be following the progress of Chianga School, a community supported by your donations. The teachers, pupils and neighbouring villagers will tell us in their own words, the impact safe water and sanitation has on their lives.

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