Annual Review 2020
Annual Review 2020
2020 was the year we reached half a million people and for the first time our annual income exceeded £1,000,000
We supported the construction & repair of 309 waterpoints in villages and health centres, reaching 142,036 people
In response to the Covid pandemic, together with our partners Village Water Zambia and ECHO, we maximised our impact by focusing efforts on water point repairs in larger communities across western Zambia, adding Covid hygiene and sanitation promotion and handwashing facilities with soap/bleach to our regular provision.
We recorded a 100% drop in diarrhoea and a 95.2% drop in eye infections in the communities we supported
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2020 was the second year of our UKAid Match funded project in George compound, Lusaka.
One of the poorest unplanned settlements of the city, George compound is densely populated, with 280,000 people lacking basic WASH services.
Poor drainage, no sewage system and haphazard waste disposal, make George compound highly prone to outbreaks of diarrhoeal diseases like cholera and typhoid.
The project focuses on repeat door-to-door hygiene promotion carried out by volunteer community health workers. In order to support essential faecal sludge management, two teams have been trained to offer latrine emptying services to residents and landlords
To date the project has reached 71,287 people.
In Mozambique we invested in activities to help mitigate the Covid crisis in villages across Manica province. Our partners WATSAN also completed a solar water system and permanent latrine blocks for 7 de Abril school.
9,566 staff and pupils at 7 de Abril school will benefit from the new solar water system with latrine blocks
Click on a picture below to view our gallery:
Angelina was our 500,000th beneficiary!

We now have enough water for everything we need. It has made a great difference in our lives. Before collecting water was tiring and time-consuming. When I was a child, we didn’t have the possibility of going to school. Now, all my children go.“
Angelina lives in 25 de Junho Socel Community in Mozambique.
Angelina and her daughter used to walk for over 45 minutes when they needed water. An old spring in the bush was the closest source to their home.
A team of locally trained well drillers repaired a broken, unused water point in de Junho Socel and taught the community how to look after it long term.
800 pumps repaired across Manica province
Women and girls make long, arduous, journeys every day to collect heavy loads of water and firewood. When safe water is near their homes, they spend almost 40% less time walking, time they can spend working, in school or relaxing.

Reducing the need to boil water has saved an estimated 413,257 tonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to the annual energy used in 49,790 homes.
Zambia and Mozambique

For women and children having clean water nearby is the first step out of poverty. Overall health and nutrition of families improve significantly.
Girls in the classroom and women with more time in a day to start their own businesses or pursue their chosen occupations benefit everyone, everywhere.
Our local partners ensure that women share the leadership roles in water committees and that boys as well as girls take part in the menstrual health sessions to break down the stigma around this sensitive topic and to encourage support.
119,417 women now have new access to safe water in the communities we supported
Click on a picture below to view our gallery:

Rufaro Njopera works as the Finance officer for our Mozambican partner WATSAN, and she has also taken on the task of collecting stories, pictures and film clips for Village Water. We have been so impressed by her many talents:
Interview with Rufaro:
For 3 years we’ve supported training for small entrepreneurial teams in the arts of manual well construction in Zambia. In return for intensive practical, technical, and business skills’ training, along with materials and equipment, the teams construct a number of public water points and report back to us on their progress as they set out to work for themselves.
4 trained enterprise teams – and our first women candidates – have reached 3,334 people in 2020

This year four teams, including our first women candidates, were trained in low cost waterpoint construction, including hydrogeology, manual drilling, pump installation, marketing and finance.
They installed 9 public waterpoints in markets, to showcase their services to prospective clients.
Our local partner and district health teams joined the pubic demonstration sessions to deliver hygiene sessions, including handwashing and water storage.

Abraham Kazhila leads Milimo Enterprise. He trained in 2019 and has completed 75 boreholes, earning £16,000. He has bought a farm with land and all his children now go to school. He wants to help more people access safe water.

For our local partners, it’s not always easy to reach the most remote, rural communities. Obstacles are often minor and irritating, like constant punctures on bad roads, but in the rainy season these roads and bridges can be washed away.
Thanks to our amazing supporters we raised enough funds for 3 motorbikes to help WATSAN continue work despite heavy flooding.
This year we received a request for wellington boots! Not just for the mud, but, more dramatically to protect against snakes frequently hiding in the grass, ready to strike when vehicles are stranded in the mud!
The voices of those who take part in our projects make what we do so important. Lucas recounts how, at age 11, he rescued his mother from the jaws of a crocodile while she was washing clothes by the river.
Systems’ strengthening

We are continuing our focus on systems’ change. Rather than funding activities in multiple areas we aim to reach 100% WASH coverage district by district.
We are currently supporting Nalolo District in Zambia to map the existing water and sanitation situation in villages, schools, health centres and markets. Local structures including the council, public & private companies, construction teams, pump minders, communities, and funders will then identify where they are best placed to help and work together to fill the gaps in provision.

Our 2020 income increased by 32% on 2019
Despite many challenges, not least the Covid pandemic, we kept our projects running and our staff safe throughout 2020.
Key successes include our strengthened partnership with CO2 Balance. We will be working with them for the next five years on a carbon emissions reduction programme in Mozambique and Zambia. We also secured our ninth consecutive grant from Guernsey Overseas Aid and Development Committee (OA&DC).
We acknowledge the on-going assistance of The Waterloo Foundation, Millichope Foundation and Wilmslow Wells for Africa, among others, too many to mention.
And finally, a huge thank you to every one of our supporters who have spread the Village Water word and helped us raise over £1 million in 2020!
Thank you