Only 27% of girls in Zambia complete secondary school and among the poorest children, who tend to live in the rural areas we work in, this falls to 3% (UNICEF, 2019). When safe water isn’t available nearby, it is women and girls who bear the responsibility of walking long distances to find a source of water. Girls often miss lessons or get pulled out of school altogether so that they can help with this task.
As a result of the new pump, Namangolwa now has time to finish her last year of primary school and is also able to make the money she needs to buy essentials for school.
I am grateful for the help from Village Water and its partners for supporting my community with a borehole where we get clean and safe water suitable for human consumption. The borehole has saved me the burden of walking for a long distance with a heavy jar of water on my head, and I now have enough time to raise funds for my uniform, books and shoes from my economic activities of making mats.
Namangolwa is planning to move to a nearby town next year in order to attend secondary school. She is very grateful to have the opportunity to complete her education and told us that she wishes to train to become a lawyer.