Isaura, a young single mother from Nhagarungaru in Mozambique, knows hardship all too well. From the age of 15 she has had to navigate the challenges of single motherhood, all while having to spend an exhausting three hours every day walking to fetch water.
With your support, the water point in Isaura’s community has now been repaired. Clean water is now within easy reach and Isaura has been able to reclaim precious hours of her time.
Now that it only takes her ten minutes to collect water, she has time to sell thatching grass at the local market. Having a sustainable income means that she has been able to start building a life of independence for herself and her son.
If you come to my house now it is clean, it’s like I am living in the city!
This isn’t the life that Isaura expected for herself, but safe water has brought her hope and optimism for the future.