The Safe Water & Sanitation for All appeal ran between 25th November 2018 to 26th February 2019 and all public donations made in the 3 months were DOUBLED by the UK government.
A huge thank you and virtual high-five to everyone who supported in so many different ways. This would not have been possible without you!
We all believe that no one should live in poverty, without safe water to drink or the chance to get a decent education.
Together, we are helping more people access their basic, human rights and live healthier lives with more opportunity, freedom and choice.
Find out how you can become part of the solution”
Be part of the change
At Village Water we know that safe water is the building building block for positive change – in better education, better standard of living, better health, better lives for future generations. But we need your help to make this a reality! Right now 1 in 9 people in the world live without safe water. 9 in 10 people CAN change this.